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Color Contacts: Do’s And Dont’s

When it comes to color contacts, there are do's and don't that you need to be aware of. If you want to wear them safely and keep your eyes healthy, then you need to follow these guidelines. In this blog post, we will discuss the do's and don'ts when wearing color contacts. We will also explain why each guideline is important. So, if you're interested in learning more about color contacts, keep reading!

Color Contacts Do's

There are many things that you should consider doing when wearing color contacts. Make sure to remember the do's so that you can have a safe and comfortable experience.

Sanitize Your Hand Before Putting On Your Contacts

One of the do's when wearing contacts is to make sure your hands are clean. It's important to sanitize your hands because they can transfer bacteria to your lenses. When this happens, it can lead to an eye infection.
So, before you put on your lenses, make sure that you wash your hands with soap and water. You can also use hand sanitizer to kill any bacteria that might be on your hands.

Wash Your Contacts After Every Use

Another do when wearing lenses is to wash them after each use. This will help to remove any dirt, debris, or bacteria that might be on the lenses. To do this, you'll need to use contact lens solution and a clean cloth.
Start by placing your lenses in the palm of your hand. Then, add a few drops of contact lens solution to the lenses. Next, use your fingertips or fingers to rub the lenses in a circular motion. Once you're done rubbing them, rinse the lenses with more solution. Finally, use a clean cloth to pat them dry.

Replace Your Lens Case Regularly

It's also important to replace your lens case regularly. This is because the case can become a breeding ground for bacteria. If you don't replace your case, then it's likely that the bacteria will get transferred back to your lenses and cause an infection.
To avoid this, you should replace your case every three months. If you notice that the case is cracked or damaged, then you should replace it sooner.

Remember the Importance of Good Blinking

When wearing lenses, it's important to remember the importance of good blinking. This is because blinking helps to keep your lenses clean and moist. It also helps to prevent your eyes from becoming dry and irritated.
If you don't blink enough when wearing contacts, then you're at risk for developing a condition called contact lens induced dry eye syndrome (CLIES). This is a condition in which your eyes become red, irritated, and uncomfortable.
So, make sure to blink often when wearing lenses. If you notice that your eyes are starting to feel dry, then you can use eye drops to help lubricate them.

Color Contacts Don'ts

In addition to the do's, there are also several don'ts when it comes to color contacts. If you want to avoid eye infections and other complications, then you need to be aware of these guidelines.

Don't Rub Your Eyes When Wearing Lenses

One of the don'ts when wearing lenses is to avoid rubbing your eyes. It is because rubbing can damage the lenses and cause them to become scratched. If your lenses are scratched, then they're more likely to collect bacteria.
Furthermore, rubbing your eyes can also lead to an eye infection. So, if you start to feel like your eyes are itchy or irritated, resist the urge to rub them. Instead, use eye drops to help relieve the symptoms.

Don't Use Tap Water to Clean Your Lenses

Another don't when it comes to lenses is to avoid using tap water to clean them. Since tap water can contain bacteria that can lead to an eye infection.
To clean your lenses, you should use contact lens solution and a clean cloth. Start by placing your lenses in the palm of your hand. Then, add a few drops of solution to the lenses. Next, use your emails or fingers to rub the lenses in a circular motion. Once you're done rubbing them, rinse the lenses with more solution. Finally, use a clean cloth to pat them dry.

Don't Wear Your Lenses When Sleeping

Another don't when it comes to lenses is to avoid wearing them while sleeping. When you sleep, your eyes do not blink as often. As a result, the lenses can become dry and irritated.
If you do have to wear your lenses while sleeping, then make sure to put them in before going to bed. And, remove them as soon as you wake up.

Don't Wear Your Lenses When Swimming

Lastly, don't wear your color contacts when swimming. The water can contain bacteria that can lead to an eye infection.
If you're going to be swimming, make sure to take your lenses out beforehand. And, put them back in as soon as you're done swimming.
While there are several do's and don'ts when it comes to color contacts, following these guidelines can help keep your eyes healthy and safe. By being aware of the do's and don'ts, you can avoid developing any complications while wearing contacts. And, you'll be able to enjoy your color contacts without having to worry about any potential risks.

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